Thursday, September 23, 2010

DUP Hellos and Good-bys

Daughters of Utah Pioneers started up again last week. Of course, I am referring to the general membership of our camp in Turlock. We officers and advisors had our training meeting a month ago, and our board meeting the week before to start planning for the coming year which ends in May.

Two long-time members are moving--probably gone as I write. As a board, because of their contributions over the years, wanted to give them a remembrance. I offered to make each a quilt square with a sego lily -- the association's official flower. I chose sage green and lavender, the official colors. The fabrics I chose looked great together on the cutting board. Unfortunately, they did not have as much contrast as I would have wanted once the block was stitched together. I added a decorative stitch around the green star.

I was happy with the final result. 

Another member lost her son in an auto accident over Labor Day weekend. I made her a square using the same pattern. His obituary picture was in the center square. I forgot to take a picture of the final product, but these are the colors I used.

One thing I realized is how much I depend on my big yarn needle. It helps me ease fabric that wants to pucker or I can use it to convince several layers of fabric to move smoothly through the pressure foot.

It is handier than a seam ripper -- I keep it in my pin cushion. It also is easier maneuvering in tight places, which is how it can get working around the sewing machine needle shaft and pressure foot.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful! What a talented person you are. I bet she was really happy with your quilt.
